
When I was unemployed for a year, I’ve read 30 books, I’m employed for a year, I’ve read 1 book.

That's just one aspect of how work destroys your will to enjoy new things and just live. Not to mention I went on couple hours walks with my dog, chatting with people and just enjoying the nature. With work, you're just always tired, need to get things done quickly at home so you can rest, so you can go to fucking work again. Beautiful summer mornings are wasted away at work. Why the fuck don't we have a 30 hours or less work week yet ? Literally nobody I know works all those 40 hours, you just gotta be there for no god damn reason. That just fucks with you mentally, like you're a child in detention. Ironically, I worked the most in retail at min. wage. I work now barely above min. wage and can't afford anything. I'm so tired of just venting, how do we change this shit…

That's just one aspect of how work destroys your will to enjoy new things and just live. Not to mention I went on couple hours walks with my dog, chatting with people and just enjoying the nature. With work, you're just always tired, need to get things done quickly at home so you can rest, so you can go to fucking work again. Beautiful summer mornings are wasted away at work. Why the fuck don't we have a 30 hours or less work week yet ? Literally nobody I know works all those 40 hours, you just gotta be there for no god damn reason. That just fucks with you mentally, like you're a child in detention. Ironically, I worked the most in retail at min. wage. I work now barely above min. wage and can't afford anything. I'm so tired of just venting, how do we change this shit ? If anything, corporations want more hours nowadays, this is literally becoming a dystopian world, if it isn't already. Sadly, I don't think we will get any change soon, most people are too brainwashed, and even if they aren't, they're prolly too tired for anything. I'm anxious and sad almost all the time, with that feeling of waiting for something but that thing never comes, it's exhausting.

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