
When it comes

My message to my group at work today: Labor Day What aid from the heat were we given, during the hottest week of the year? Not any extra equipment to protect ourselves with, or any adjustments to being out in direct sunlight for 8 hours. Just a couple little water jugs to spray ourselves down with while working. So while we get to work short staffed AND suffer from heat exhaustion on this holiday that’s celebrating our labor.. let us be reminded of that fact – this is OUR WORK. None of the cogs that keep this place going would exist if we were not here to turn them. So why then, are we here? Shouldn’t we be celebrating ourselves instead? Aren’t we allowed that? But that’s the big scam right there- they don’t believe we are even owed that. When was the last time you felt praised to do…

My message to my group at work today:

Labor Day

What aid from the heat were we given, during the hottest week of the year?

Not any extra equipment to protect ourselves with, or any adjustments to being out in direct sunlight for 8 hours.

Just a couple little water jugs to spray ourselves down with while working.

So while we get to work short staffed AND suffer from heat exhaustion on this holiday that’s celebrating our labor.. let us be reminded of that fact – this is OUR WORK.

None of the cogs that keep this place going would exist if we were not here to turn them.

So why then, are we here?

Shouldn’t we be celebrating ourselves instead?

Aren’t we allowed that?

But that’s the big scam right there- they don’t believe we are even owed that.

When was the last time you felt praised to do the job you do everyday?

Even the smallest jobs make someone’s life a little better, isn’t that what today is about-

Celebrating the stories of our jobs that we toil away at everyday?

As a child listening between two parents telling us about their day… I’d always lean in closer to listen to my mothers stories.

She would make this real life connection with everyone she’d meet while working in the airlines, coming home with incredible tales every day.

It always made me want to live the common life, as opposed to going into the military or living for profit; Life was about connecting with those around you and making work fun so others watching us while we work might want to join us!

But instead, life devolved and created a generation that gives up its own national holiday honoring itself, during a heatwave/pandemic, labor shortage, etc.

It’s all just too much.

We’ve come far enough, and we deserve what’s ours.

No work without fair pay and representation.

We shouldn’t have to give up our own holiday to pay our rent, nor should we be struggling in the first place to put food on our own tables when it’s our job all day for everyone else.

We shouldn’t have to stay at horrible jobs just because our insurance is tied together, nor should we be forced out of a place because of lack of leadership; every job deserves its own voice – and that voice is the collected amplification of everyone’s vibes that work there.

That’s us putting our souls out there – every day… just so you can get together, and take it easy.

We deserve our day too.

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