
When the only reward for hard work is more work, that’s why I’m “quiet-quitting”…

When the only reward for hard work is more work, there is no reason to go above and beyond. It’s not “quiet quitting” or whatever bullshit terminology the news media come up with. It’s called “you get what you paid for, no more, no less”. You want extra? Pay me for that extra. Don’t talk to us about how millenials are lazy, we ain’t gonna bust our asses just because management is incompetent and can’t seem to stop bleeding manpower. I’m not doing the workload of 2 people just because you guys can’t keep us fully-staffed, that is absolutely NOT my problem. Maybe the previous generations were okay with being mistreated. Not us. We had enough. Workers have rights. Give us better working conditions and better pay rate for everyone. Or don’t, and continue to bitch about how “nobody wants to work”. Oh, we do want to work. We just…

When the only reward for hard work is more work, there is no reason to go above and beyond. It’s not “quiet quitting” or whatever bullshit terminology the news media come up with. It’s called “you get what you paid for, no more, no less”. You want extra? Pay me for that extra.

Don’t talk to us about how millenials are lazy, we ain’t gonna bust our asses just because management is incompetent and can’t seem to stop bleeding manpower. I’m not doing the workload of 2 people just because you guys can’t keep us fully-staffed, that is absolutely NOT my problem.

Maybe the previous generations were okay with being mistreated. Not us. We had enough. Workers have rights. Give us better working conditions and better pay rate for everyone. Or don’t, and continue to bitch about how “nobody wants to work”. Oh, we do want to work. We just don’t want to do it for shit pay with shitty conditions.

I used to give 100%. And more. All I got out of it was being burnt out and disillusioned. So I’m not doing that anymore. The best part? They can’t afford to lose me. Because they would have to hire 2 people just to replace me. I’m already looking for another job anyway, one that doesn’ bleed staff members at an alarming rate.

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