
When the worlds two richest parasites are teaming up to agree on something, you know the truth is almost certainly aligned against what they are saying. We truly are living in another gilded age. Remember, these men don't work for their wealth, they just exploit those who do, and they have a vested interest in keeping it that way. Both have lied, cheated, shilled, and bribed their way to their successes, and neither of them have displayed any qualms with taking 5 away from all of us if it means 1 more for them. Anytime one says something, your default assumption should be that the opposite is probably true. They won't always lie or be wrong, of course, but if you don't have the time or energy to critically examine their statements, it's much safer to assume they are.

We truly are living in another gilded age. Remember, these men don't work for their wealth, they just exploit those who do, and they have a vested interest in keeping it that way. Both have lied, cheated, shilled, and bribed their way to their successes, and neither of them have displayed any qualms with taking 5 away from all of us if it means 1 more for them.

Anytime one says something, your default assumption should be that the opposite is probably true. They won't always lie or be wrong, of course, but if you don't have the time or energy to critically examine their statements, it's much safer to assume they are.

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