
when will management learn that there’s no such thing as a “request” for time off

Someone I know was the only person in her department to show up during her shift over the weekend. Why? It's an incredibly small town and the department is largely staffed by high school kids. Most regular weekend workers “requested” off either to attend graduation, for themselves or a family member. And management just ignored the fact that there was a graduation and scheduled people then acted all shocked Pikachu when no one showed up to work. I haven't talked to her yet about her Monday shift, but she expected management to try to ream her for not doing an entire team's work by herself. “Requests” for time off are not requests! They are notification that someone isn't going to show the fuck up that day. Management needs to sort their fuckin shit out.

Someone I know was the only person in her department to show up during her shift over the weekend. Why? It's an incredibly small town and the department is largely staffed by high school kids. Most regular weekend workers “requested” off either to attend graduation, for themselves or a family member. And management just ignored the fact that there was a graduation and scheduled people then acted all shocked Pikachu when no one showed up to work. I haven't talked to her yet about her Monday shift, but she expected management to try to ream her for not doing an entire team's work by herself.

“Requests” for time off are not requests! They are notification that someone isn't going to show the fuck up that day. Management needs to sort their fuckin shit out.

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