
When working from home is ‘optional’

I started a new job not too long ago and have been pleased with the work from home policy. On a normal week, I’m in the office Monday through Friday. I just got back from a vacation (planned before the job started) and got home at midnight. Came home to an issue that required I take care of it night of, so I was up until 2 am. I decided to work from home so I didn’t have to commute. Our policy allows for me to do so as needed, as long as I make it known in the local company chat. So that’s what I did and I got sarcastic remarks instantly from leadership, remarking that I ‘need a vacation from my vacation’. And that I ‘didn’t want to see anyone after a week away’. They were both joking but jabs like that in group chats never sit well…

I started a new job not too long ago and have been pleased with the work from home policy. On a normal week, I’m in the office Monday through Friday. I just got back from a vacation (planned before the job started) and got home at midnight. Came home to an issue that required I take care of it night of, so I was up until 2 am.

I decided to work from home so I didn’t have to commute. Our policy allows for me to do so as needed, as long as I make it known in the local company chat.

So that’s what I did and I got sarcastic remarks instantly from leadership, remarking that I ‘need a vacation from my vacation’. And that I ‘didn’t want to see anyone after a week away’. They were both joking but jabs like that in group chats never sit well with me.

If you don’t want employees to work from home then update your policy…It’s that simple.

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