
when you leave a bad manager

Been with the company for over 6 years and get paid actually really well for my area. Above average. I love the company and (most) of the people I work with….I mean you always have a couple knuckleheads, but you know… Cold called on LinkedIn, salary expectations right in the description (refreshing these days, Amirite). Led to a conversation, which led to another, eventually an offer for totally remote, 2-3 trips to HQ a year which is a 4 hour drive (I live in Midwest US), 43% increase in salary, title promotion… Submit resignation and like a good little worker bee gave almost 4 weeks notice. I'm the expert in a few things that need transitioned, so I'm okay with that…don't want to leave my remaining team in a jam. This is my last week at old company. The team is sad to see me leave, and I am sad…

Been with the company for over 6 years and get paid actually really well for my area. Above average. I love the company and (most) of the people I work with….I mean you always have a couple knuckleheads, but you know…

Cold called on LinkedIn, salary expectations right in the description (refreshing these days, Amirite). Led to a conversation, which led to another, eventually an offer for totally remote, 2-3 trips to HQ a year which is a 4 hour drive (I live in Midwest US), 43% increase in salary, title promotion… Submit resignation and like a good little worker bee gave almost 4 weeks notice. I'm the expert in a few things that need transitioned, so I'm okay with that…don't want to leave my remaining team in a jam.

This is my last week at old company. The team is sad to see me leave, and I am sad to leave them. Some of the coworkers take me to lunch, they invite my manager, says he made a hard stance on not being friendly with his subordinates….. (insert shockedPikachuFace.jpg)

So many ways to have handled this. “Sorry, have a meeting but enjoy” or “this is a thing for you guys”….nope, instead I get someone who has to make sure everyone understands there is a difference between his level and my level. This is the difference between a manager…and a leader. And while I hate leaving the company, not so broken up about leaving the manager.

End of rant. Have a good day everyone

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