
When your boss has no spouse & no kids…

First off I’m a hard working husband and father to 3 young kids. Recently I was called into my boss office where he proceeded to talk to me about my usage of sick leave for the past whole year. He showed me that I had used my sick leave on 10 separate occasions with 5 of those occasions coming by way of pre-approved sick leave (sick leave approved in advance for various appointments) and the other 5 occasions were single day call-offs for various reasons involving my kids getting sick on different occasions & once when I was sick myself. When my boss asked me to improve on my attendance, I immediately let him know that I have a young family and a wife that also works full-time and has her own health issues to deal with so it is very difficult to predict or prevent when my kids or…

First off I’m a hard working husband and father to 3 young kids. Recently I was called into my boss office where he proceeded to talk to me about my usage of sick leave for the past whole year. He showed me that I had used my sick leave on 10 separate occasions with 5 of those occasions coming by way of pre-approved sick leave (sick leave approved in advance for various appointments) and the other 5 occasions were single day call-offs for various reasons involving my kids getting sick on different occasions & once when I was sick myself.

When my boss asked me to improve on my attendance, I immediately let him know that I have a young family and a wife that also works full-time and has her own health issues to deal with so it is very difficult to predict or prevent when my kids or wife will get sick. I also informed him that all of my kids have needed to attend various doctor and dentist appointments throughout the year and will continue to have appointments in the future hence why I have asked for pre-approved sick leave in advance, as per our policy.

Instead of understanding he just gave me a cold & careless stare and then proceeded to say “well whatever you can do to improve your attendance just fix it” 🤦‍️

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