
Whenever I stepped out for one minute to go to the restroom, I get fired. When admin causes a substitute & teacher shortage they get to stay!

Today I got fired from my job as a substitute after two weeks. You have to be restricted from three campuses to get fired. Incident 1- I wanted to take a try Elementary school. I humbly admit it I needed help and pointers on how to handle elementary school from other teachers. The principal said “we need somone that knows how to teach”, escorted me out of the building, and mark me for a restriction from the campus. Incident 2- a former friend of my works at a middle school and she read a text, “drop by my room later” as innuendoes rather than friendly. By the time I explained my side of the story they already restricted me. Incident 3- It was 30 seconds past the bell and I stepped out once to ask “how should o know who’s present and not when the rest of this class is…

Today I got fired from my job as a substitute after two weeks. You have to be restricted from three campuses to get fired.

Incident 1- I wanted to take a try Elementary school. I humbly admit it I needed help and pointers on how to handle elementary school from other teachers. The principal said “we need somone that knows how to teach”, escorted me out of the building, and mark me for a restriction from the campus.

Incident 2- a former friend of my works at a middle school and she read a text, “drop by my room later” as innuendoes rather than friendly. By the time I explained my side of the story they already restricted me.

Incident 3- It was 30 seconds past the bell and I stepped out once to ask “how should o know who’s present and not when the rest of this class is on a field trip” and the second to go to the bathroom. They decried “leaving kids unattended” and restricted me.

Then they tried to call me back to get back to the campus I was at that day (there was an educational aid there who helped with that full time teacher).

This whole experience has taught me that no I’m out of “training and certification” in the world will ever supplement direct experience. Even outside education not a damn employer in the world will risk any thing do you have a competent staff.

Education administrators have freaking masters degrees and are still fucking everything up. So that whole “get more training” excuse is insufferable and hypocritical!

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