
where to go when the company isn’t an option?

Good morning, Looking for advice on something. There's a manager at my job who is stepping way outside her bounds. Threatening people with their jobs, covering up physical assault of employees, covering up safety and health hazards, and being a general tyrant. She values her numbers over her employees and has made that clear on several occasions. Problem is, she's close with everyone above her and they've already shown that they are willing to protect their own over interest of customers or staff. We want to start making reports, but going to HR or anyone higher is a waste of time. We aren't union. Who can we go to?

Good morning,

Looking for advice on something. There's a manager at my job who is stepping way outside her bounds. Threatening people with their jobs, covering up physical assault of employees, covering up safety and health hazards, and being a general tyrant. She values her numbers over her employees and has made that clear on several occasions. Problem is, she's close with everyone above her and they've already shown that they are willing to protect their own over interest of customers or staff. We want to start making reports, but going to HR or anyone higher is a waste of time. We aren't union. Who can we go to?

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