
While we’re at it, let’s talk about FireHouse Subs. I haven’t eaten there in six years because I tried to tip the workers one day and they ENTHUSIASTICALLY tole me they don’t accept tips, only donations for firefighters.

I really do respect firefighters, or at least the work they do – those I've known personally were nowhere near the good they aspired to/thought they could claim, but that's more about the small town I came from. We need them, and we should appreciate them. But I refuse to have my desire to tip an underpaid service worker be pitted against their desire to raise money for a social service that should be funded by taxes. Taking away from food service workers should NOT be an option for properly funding social services. Take it from the billionaires.

I really do respect firefighters, or at least the work they do – those I've known personally were nowhere near the good they aspired to/thought they could claim, but that's more about the small town I came from.

We need them, and we should appreciate them.

But I refuse to have my desire to tip an underpaid service worker be pitted against their desire to raise money for a social service that should be funded by taxes.

Taking away from food service workers should NOT be an option for properly funding social services. Take it from the billionaires.

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