
Who else has cried from work related stress?

I don't think anyone will see this but I need to vent and I can't think of a sub more appropriate. I'd like to commiserate with others I guess. I work in a large warehouse on a small team that is currently understaffed. To keep it short and private; my team is in charge of fulfilling orders that were incomplete due to inventory issues or delays in getting product to the warehouse floor. Because of scheduling and the aforementioned short staff I am often the only person in my position attending to half of the warehouse at the busiest point of the day. I feel like I'm spread so thin and there is too much on my shoulders to handle. There seems to be so little cooperation or understanding in this place. Everyone just wants to make their own job easier. I've always been a meek person but was getting…

I don't think anyone will see this but I need to vent and I can't think of a sub more appropriate. I'd like to commiserate with others I guess.

I work in a large warehouse on a small team that is currently understaffed. To keep it short and private; my team is in charge of fulfilling orders that were incomplete due to inventory issues or delays in getting product to the warehouse floor. Because of scheduling and the aforementioned short staff I am often the only person in my position attending to half of the warehouse at the busiest point of the day. I feel like I'm spread so thin and there is too much on my shoulders to handle. There seems to be so little cooperation or understanding in this place. Everyone just wants to make their own job easier. I've always been a meek person but was getting more confident in my role until the busy season hit and the staff issues. Now I feel so overwhelmed and insecure. I'm afraid of making mistakes because I have so much on my plate. Then I second guess myself and wonder if I'm over exaggerating and just not good enough. And the physical aspect of the job is giving me hip pain that comes and goes at the ripe old age of 25 .

Can anyone else relate to this feeling at work?

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