
Who else has had enough of the corporate world?

I’m a 27 year old guy and I’m already sick of this work environment. I went to college for 5 years to get a Master’s of Engineering, got a job, and worked my ass off for the last 4.5 years. I still make just under 6 figures for salary, and spend a good part of my week listening to directors and VPs who think they are God’s gift to the earth and that everyone below them is a know-nothing piece of shit. I’m saving at a pretty high rate right now, but I’d need to endure this for another 20 years or so before I could conceivably retire. I’m so sick and tired of spending time with shitty bosses and people who are generally in bad moods throughout each week. Just today I found I had a bit of spare time in the morning to help a colleague, but she…

I’m a 27 year old guy and I’m already sick of this work environment. I went to college for 5 years to get a Master’s of Engineering, got a job, and worked my ass off for the last 4.5 years. I still make just under 6 figures for salary, and spend a good part of my week listening to directors and VPs who think they are God’s gift to the earth and that everyone below them is a know-nothing piece of shit.

I’m saving at a pretty high rate right now, but I’d need to endure this for another 20 years or so before I could conceivably retire. I’m so sick and tired of spending time with shitty bosses and people who are generally in bad moods throughout each week. Just today I found I had a bit of spare time in the morning to help a colleague, but she refused my help and then went on to bitch about her workload. It’s exhausting, I just want to be done forever.

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