
Who else misses the summer breaks?

Disclaimer: My current job is fine, so this is not an “I hate my job” rant. While on my previous job, I couldn't stop complaining (and the misery I endured there was my gateway drug to anti-work thought), my only complaint about my current job is…. well, that it's work, and takes 40 hours a week, like literally any job It's the 1st of September. If this was any year before 2014 (when I was in high school and elementary school), I'd be dreading the return to school. Between 2014 and 2020 (when I was in college), I would have been mildly annoyed by the end of summer break. But after 2020 – with me being a wageslave now – there is literally nothing. Only on the 1st of June, do I feel some resentment about the fact, that just three years ago, I would have celebrated the coming of…

Disclaimer: My current job is fine, so this is not an “I hate my job” rant. While on my previous job, I couldn't stop complaining (and the misery I endured there was my gateway drug to anti-work thought), my only complaint about my current job is…. well, that it's work, and takes 40 hours a week, like literally any job

It's the 1st of September. If this was any year before 2014 (when I was in high school and elementary school), I'd be dreading the return to school. Between 2014 and 2020 (when I was in college), I would have been mildly annoyed by the end of summer break. But after 2020 – with me being a wageslave now – there is literally nothing.

Only on the 1st of June, do I feel some resentment about the fact, that just three years ago, I would have celebrated the coming of summer due to the summer break, while now I have to work.

I get it, I get it, I'm lazy and childish, I just cannot accept adulthood, etc. etc. I get it, our needs for certain goods and services don't magically disappear during summer either.

But why aren't other people as resentful about it as me? Am I really the only one who misses those 3-month breaks, those 3 months of freedom? No other adult seems to be complaining, except maybe on this sub. Maybe it had something to do with the fact, that the transition was rather sudden for me (while for everyone else, it was probably gradual, with them getting part-time jobs in summer as kids), or the fact that I got my first job right after the traumatic experience of failing college… But damn.

In my country, the typical schoolchild goes to school on 178 days out of 365.25 days of the year. Naturally, does 187 school-free days include the weekends (roughly 104 days), the 10 so-called “red-letter holidays” (government-mandated holidays, like Christmas, anniversary of the country's founding, etc.), the 10-weeks summer break, winter break, etc.

In contrast, the typical adult worker goes to work on 231 days out of the 365.25 days of year Those 134 work-free days include weekend (roughly 104 days), the 10 government-mandated “red-letter holidays” and 20+ (depending on your age) days of paid leave. Yeah, I know, compared to an American, I'm privileged as fuck, but that's besides the point.

If we were to give working adults the same amount of free time as children, they would have to have 53 more days of paid leave…. so ~70+ instead of 20+.

Yet, in my country, every single adult just accepts this huge downgrade in free time as normal. No one – other than me – is nostalgic about the summer breaks to the extent of wanting to bring it back even for adults.

Am I really the only one who is resentful about this? Who else misses the summer breaks?

Unrelated question: How much of an overlap is there between the anti-work community and anti-school community? (people who support things like unschooling, for instance)

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