
Whole Foods can suck my Poop Whole

Got fired a few weeks ago for fucking up a call out. Appearantly doing this twice in a year is a “major infraction”. In the 9 months I worked there I probably missed 4 days of work, not including the two times I got covid. While I was there, I was progressively asked to do more and more taxing jobs because of my “incredible work ethic” (giving a shit). During holidays, I was regularly scheduled 7 days in a row with no overtime because of the bizarre way that system works (appearantly this is normal). I got Hazard pay from the city, so I rarely complained, but now… wtf man? I got fired at the end of my shift after working through three tiers of bullshit bureaucracy. My überboss talked to me for about five minutes before she asked me to sign a paper that officially “separated” us. Here's an…

Got fired a few weeks ago for fucking up a call out. Appearantly doing this twice in a year is a “major infraction”. In the 9 months I worked there I probably missed 4 days of work, not including the two times I got covid. While I was there, I was progressively asked to do more and more taxing jobs because of my “incredible work ethic” (giving a shit). During holidays, I was regularly scheduled 7 days in a row with no overtime because of the bizarre way that system works (appearantly this is normal). I got Hazard pay from the city, so I rarely complained, but now… wtf man?

I got fired at the end of my shift after working through three tiers of bullshit bureaucracy. My überboss talked to me for about five minutes before she asked me to sign a paper that officially “separated” us. Here's an exact quote from the explanation.

“It's always hard when we have to let good employees go, but that's why we have procedures like this in place”

Fucking incomprehensible.

We were already understaffed when I got fired, but I guess two more people quit after I left, so who knows how they're putting shit on the shelves at this point. I honestly feel bad for my team leader. No idea how you could work there for 20 years and not off yourself.

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