
Why am I not good enough?

I’ve never had a “real job” per se just always been forced to have a sort of “work experience” crap from my school. Where I’m paid peanuts and my every single flaw is pointed out by some teacher from my school. Which makes feel like crap. Just because the way I was born I’m made to go to some stupid “transition program” and I’m given crap for things I can’t control such as “make less noise when lifting heavy things” I have tried my hardest on that one and I can’t control it. I don’t know why I do it I just do. Another one was “talk quieter” and when I did I barely got any recognition for it. At least the current place I’m at (a car dealership) is better than the last shithole they put me in (a hardware store) where I had to stand on my feet…

I’ve never had a “real job” per se just always been forced to have a sort of “work experience” crap from my school. Where I’m paid peanuts and my every single flaw is pointed out by some teacher from my school. Which makes feel like crap. Just because the way I was born I’m made to go to some stupid “transition program” and I’m given crap for things I can’t control such as “make less noise when lifting heavy things” I have tried my hardest on that one and I can’t control it. I don’t know why I do it I just do. Another one was “talk quieter” and when I did I barely got any recognition for it. At least the current place I’m at (a car dealership) is better than the last shithole they put me in (a hardware store) where I had to stand on my feet for three hours straight and never had a chance to take a breather. Not even a place to sit down. My parents just said “oh just build up your stamina!” I worked there for three grueling months and no stamina was built up. Any time I express interest in pursuing a “real job” my mother says “NOOO YOU NEED MORE EXPERIENCE!” I want to be paid more than 80 dollars every two damn weeks. And worse yet at the end of the shift I’m made to fill out a worksheet designed for mentally impaired people. They have tried accommodating me and I appreciate that but at this stupid programs core it makes me feel like I’m some defective thing just because I have aspergers and adhd.

Sorry if this rant went on for to long. I’m just so fucking mad. There are 16 year olds that make more than me because they are allowed to work more than one day a week and here I am at 19 unable to even work more than twice a week because “YOU NEED MORE EXPERIENCE”.

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