
Why are Boomers so butt-hurt when they’re told they’re doing something wrong?!

Sorry about all the grammar mistakes annoyed and typing on my phone. I recently was asked to reach out to a co-worker mid-60s to work out some Microsoft SharePoint issues. I’m basically the unit’s SharePoint admin. This one co-worker keeps screwing things up, deleting comments, re-uploading documents, and making up work arounds that screw things up. Just to be up front, I never said this person was doing anything wrong, I only tried to diagnose a few issues. I pretty much copy and pasted an email…It was brought to my attention that you’re still having a few issues with the links on your forms, here’s the instructions sheet on that process (paraphrasing) and it looks like the incorrect permissions have been selected. I’m more than happy to go over this with you on a zoom meeting, so we can figure out what’s going on. Tried to make this a joint…

Sorry about all the grammar mistakes annoyed and typing on my phone. I recently was asked to reach out to a co-worker mid-60s to work out some Microsoft SharePoint issues. I’m basically the unit’s SharePoint admin. This one co-worker keeps screwing things up, deleting comments, re-uploading documents, and making up work arounds that screw things up. Just to be up front, I never said this person was doing anything wrong, I only tried to diagnose a few issues.

I pretty much copy and pasted an email…It was brought to my attention that you’re still having a few issues with the links on your forms, here’s the instructions sheet on that process (paraphrasing) and it looks like the incorrect permissions have been selected. I’m more than happy to go over this with you on a zoom meeting, so we can figure out what’s going on. Tried to make this a joint effort, no one is at fault email.

I had eight emails back and forth, each email reviewed by a team member, very matter of fact, and specifically addressing technical SharePoint issues. The boomer took issue when I said ,”I’m not trying to be picky, just so we’re both on the same page, what we’re working on is a form, not a cover page and uploading is when you add a file to the document vault, not email a document. I just want to avoid confusion so we both understand what each of us is referring to.

They had sent me an email with a bunch of their own made up terminology that didn’t refer to anything, took three emails to clear up and was steadfastly refusing to look at things on a zoom meeting.

I offered three times to do a zoom meeting and was turned down. The co-worker responded with a bunch of unrelated questions and then went quiet.

Today, they sent me a three page email about how I was acting superior, as though I was their supervisor and needed to be more “collegiate”. My offers of assistance were met with the accusations that I said she needed remedial training. I never said anything close to that. She accused me of impugning her work and that all her other work was stellar (it hasn’t been, but I never addressed that issue because I’m not her supervisor). The people in my unit have been fixing her mistakes.

The emails have been reviewed by the director who said, “What the hell is she talking about!”

This is the straw the broker the camel’s back. I’m so sick of people not doing their basic jobs. This lady never comes into the office and never does any real work.

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