
Why are the North American Companies so harsh when it comes to hiring?

People get judged for their employment gaps, or the fact that they switch the jobs too often or not often enough.. Sliglty unquaified, sligtly overqualified… and my favorite one: “YOU FAILED THE PERSONALITY TEST”. How could one fail personality test?? It is not that to the questions like: “I always come late to work” I answer “stongly agree” lol.. Actually, quite opposite, but well.. I guess not everyone desreves a chance to speak to an actual person when going thorugh a hiring process..

People get judged for their employment gaps, or the fact that they switch the jobs too often or not often enough.. Sliglty unquaified, sligtly overqualified… and my favorite one: “YOU FAILED THE PERSONALITY TEST”. How could one fail personality test?? It is not that to the questions like: “I always come late to work” I answer “stongly agree” lol.. Actually, quite opposite, but well.. I guess not everyone desreves a chance to speak to an actual person when going thorugh a hiring process..

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