
Why are you here?

There is 1.7 million of you. All with different experience, motivations, and purpose. Why are you here? I am here because: I want everybody to be treated with RESPECT and DIGNITY from their employer. I want fair wages that can give people a real life. I want to see people appreciated for the time, not exploited. This movement to me isn’t about laziness, shorter work weeks or a couple extra bucks and hour. It’s about POWER. It’s a shift from the top to the bottom. From the grasshoppers to the ants. It’s realizing maximizing profits and paying shareholders isn’t as important and the health and sanity of the people that you depend on to make that happen. To me it’s 1.7 million people who are tired of being treated as an ends to a means. You are just as important as anybody else regardless of what you do, or have…

There is 1.7 million of you. All with different experience, motivations, and purpose.

Why are you here? I am here because: I want everybody to be treated with RESPECT and DIGNITY from their employer. I want fair wages that can give people a real life. I want to see people appreciated for the time, not exploited. This movement to me isn’t about laziness, shorter work weeks or a couple extra bucks and hour.

It’s about POWER. It’s a shift from the top to the bottom. From the grasshoppers to the ants. It’s realizing maximizing profits and paying shareholders isn’t as important and the health and sanity of the people that you depend on to make that happen.

To me it’s 1.7 million people who are tired of being treated as an ends to a means. You are just as important as anybody else regardless of what you do, or have in the bank.

So please comment below why you are here! Let’s see what fuels the fire of 1.7 million souls.

TLDR: I am interested in your motivation for being part of the sub, and what anti-work means to you

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