
Why are you here? What conditions led you to antiwork? Does your quality of life influence your beliefs? Share your stories!

It would be interesting to know if there were any correlations that would suggest whether an individual is more inclined to be ‘antiwork.’ One hypothesis would be that those who work undesirable jobs for lower wages, would be further inclined to take an ‘antiwork’ stance. It is also worth considering financial commitments such as home/land ownership, vehicles, debts, kids, pets, etc. Factors such as upbringing and geography are likely to impact one’s stance as well. I think it would shed some perspective on the issue if we could comment on our personal situations. I suggest posting a comment which outlines your current work, your education level, your income level, whether you rent or own and how much it costs you, any major assets or investments, and what region of the world you live in. Then maybe give a brief summary on your opinion on your career and work in general.…

It would be interesting to know if there were any correlations that would suggest whether an individual is more inclined to be ‘antiwork.’ One hypothesis would be that those who work undesirable jobs for lower wages, would be further inclined to take an ‘antiwork’ stance. It is also worth considering financial commitments such as home/land ownership, vehicles, debts, kids, pets, etc. Factors such as upbringing and geography are likely to impact one’s stance as well.

I think it would shed some perspective on the issue if we could comment on our personal situations. I suggest posting a comment which outlines your current work, your education level, your income level, whether you rent or own and how much it costs you, any major assets or investments, and what region of the world you live in. Then maybe give a brief summary on your opinion on your career and work in general. Maybe throw in some information about your hobbies and interests to give an insight into your personality as well. I will post one myself. This is obviously all anecdotal. However, if this post is popular enough, it might provide enough information to infer, or at least suggest, which conditions lead an individual to take the ‘antiwork’ stance. Thank you and take care.

Update: didn't really consider the 'doxxing' part. Keep your comments vague enough to prevent this.

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