
Why can’t counter workers have a chair?

My husband, who is in his mid 60s, has a retirement job where he makes $15-20/hr. Long stretches go by with no customers, yet sitting is “frowned upon” and “the boss won’t permit it.” So few people want these jobs, yet they still treat people as less than human. Why is standing still seen as some token of merit; but to sit while waiting to be approached, or while not busy is somehow lazy? Such old ideas!

My husband, who is in his mid 60s, has a retirement job where he makes $15-20/hr. Long stretches go by with no customers, yet sitting is “frowned upon” and “the boss won’t permit it.” So few people want these jobs, yet they still treat people as less than human. Why is standing still seen as some token of merit; but to sit while waiting to be approached, or while not busy is somehow lazy? Such old ideas!

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