
Why can’t some higher-ups understand that micromanagement is completely useless

I've been working at a company for just over 3 years now and basically know how every department I work in, works from start to finish/top to bottom. There is one team leader in there who is very condescending and likes to micromanage whenever possible. Now she knows full well that I know what I'm doing yet feels the need to dictate when things happen just for her own peace of mind and when I tell her that I'll do it after I've finished what I'm currently doing, she makes a weird face and questions my response. Now I'm autistic, and considering my brain has a certain way of processing things, I will do things how I have done in that specific department in the same way in the same order I have always done because of course If I don't my brain will have a strop meaning I will…

I've been working at a company for just over 3 years now and basically know how every department I work in, works from start to finish/top to bottom. There is one team leader in there who is very condescending and likes to micromanage whenever possible. Now she knows full well that I know what I'm doing yet feels the need to dictate when things happen just for her own peace of mind and when I tell her that I'll do it after I've finished what I'm currently doing, she makes a weird face and questions my response.

Now I'm autistic, and considering my brain has a certain way of processing things, I will do things how I have done in that specific department in the same way in the same order I have always done because of course If I don't my brain will have a strop meaning I will have a strop (She's aware I have autism as far as I know). All it does is start making me angry and all I want to do is just go home because everything I say to her goes through one ear and out the other. She'll also ask me to do things that she says are urgent which I know they are not (things that are often for orders that are not even supposed to be shipped till the next day) just as an excuse to get things done.

This happened at my old job too just micromanage micromanage micromanage, and they wonder why they get attitude thrown back at them because they try and control every action of you as if they literally own you. I don't see the point of going to work if I'm there just to be a puppet or knowing that I'm just gunna be harassed every 15 minutes about making sure tiny little irrelevant thing is done or telling us to do something we are literally VISIBLY about to start doing.

How can I trust myself to be a man if some people think you are stupid enough that even after 3 years you still need to be told what to do every 10 seconds because all it does to my autistic brain is keep the tension rising to the point there that tension is released to a point where It can have bad consequences.

Sometimes I only wish my younger life went differently. I've considered about leaving this job, but in the current state of the UK for example, it's simply not worth the risk considering how close it is to home etc.

(As an extra note, this company recently got taken over and things are slowly changing and some contracts in the warehouse are leaving/new ones are coming and the stress is increasing due to not knowing what's going on. )

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