
Why do corporations care about “the culture”?

Anonymous account, longtime user. I have worked for a giant corporation for the better part of 10 years. It seems like since the partial return to the office post covid they have had this big push on building “the culture”. What is their motivation for this? Yes, turnover is high and I’m sure we lose candidates to better paying and/or full time work from home alternatives, but as many times as those solutions are offered up, they fall on deaf ears. The result of these committees is always the same tired pizza/bagels/cupcakes and maybe a happy hour once a quarter. It seems to me that the very notion of a culture cannot exist alongside something like an HR department. Are these attempts at fostering “the culture” an earnest attempt at boosting morale or is there something nefarious we aren’t seeing?

Anonymous account, longtime user.

I have worked for a giant corporation for the better part of 10 years. It seems like since the partial return to the office post covid they have had this big push on building “the culture”. What is their motivation for this? Yes, turnover is high and I’m sure we lose candidates to better paying and/or full time work from home alternatives, but as many times as those solutions are offered up, they fall on deaf ears. The result of these committees is always the same tired pizza/bagels/cupcakes and maybe a happy hour once a quarter.

It seems to me that the very notion of a culture cannot exist alongside something like an HR department.

Are these attempts at fostering “the culture” an earnest attempt at boosting morale or is there something nefarious we aren’t seeing?

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