
Why do mangers never think about the potential consequences from disobeying labor laws or actively refusing to follow laws like ADA?

Best case scenario for a manger if they do this and get caught is they’re going to get fired and blacklisted from ever working at that company or franchise again if their behavior results in a lawsuit or a fine. Worst case scenario if a journalist picks up on it and writes an article about it, is she can kiss getting any management position again goodbye since almost every employer googles people, and will see you as a liability in a management position, and most “good managers” won’t hire you period after that anyways because they don’t want to deal with a employee who’s going to actively disobey them when it’s convenient.

Best case scenario for a manger if they do this and get caught is they’re going to get fired and blacklisted from ever working at that company or franchise again if their behavior results in a lawsuit or a fine. Worst case scenario if a journalist picks up on it and writes an article about it, is she can kiss getting any management position again goodbye since almost every employer googles people, and will see you as a liability in a management position, and most “good managers” won’t hire you period after that anyways because they don’t want to deal with a employee who’s going to actively disobey them when it’s convenient.

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