
Why do middle managers think it’s imperative to work yourself to the bone for a corporation that doesn’t give a fuck about them or us??

I work at Target (I've posted in the Target subreddit so idc about hiding the name). I mostly work on drive-ups, which is Target's version of curbside pickup. Two pieces of background: 1) Recently, our executive manager (Greg) told the drive-up team to get our delivery time down (we have 2 minutes to get the items outside to the customer). In order to do this, we needed increased staffing, which Greg happily provided. 2) Drive-ups usually arrive in waves, at least at my store, which means we'll be standing around in the back for a few minutes and then have a massive rush. Sometimes, other managers will walk through while we're not busy and get mad at us for standing around. They'll take people off drive-ups and put them on a register, which leaves drive-ups understaffed when we inevitably get a rush 5 minutes later. Greg and I have no…

I work at Target (I've posted in the Target subreddit so idc about hiding the name). I mostly work on drive-ups, which is Target's version of curbside pickup.

Two pieces of background:

1) Recently, our executive manager (Greg) told the drive-up team to get our delivery time down (we have 2 minutes to get the items outside to the customer). In order to do this, we needed increased staffing, which Greg happily provided.

2) Drive-ups usually arrive in waves, at least at my store, which means we'll be standing around in the back for a few minutes and then have a massive rush.

Sometimes, other managers will walk through while we're not busy and get mad at us for standing around. They'll take people off drive-ups and put them on a register, which leaves drive-ups understaffed when we inevitably get a rush 5 minutes later.

Greg and I have no problem with the team standing around between orders, as long as the delivery time stays low. However, one of the middle managers, Carla, cannot comprehend that she can't take my staff when we look less busy.

Hence this conversation (I changed Target jargon for readability):

Me: I need at least 3 people in the back for drive-ups at all times.

Carla: Okay, but if you guys don't look busy, I will take someone for register.

Me: Even if we're not busy right now, we might be in a couple minutes, and I don't have time to go fetch my staff back from register when that happens. I need them on call.

Carla [clearly not understanding]: I understand. But if you are just standing around, I will take someone.

Me: No, I need at least 3 people here.

Carla: Then you have to be busy all the time. Find some cleaning to do.

Me: All the cleaning tasks are done for the day.

Carla: Then do something else. You have to be busy all the time.

Me: Why?

Carla: Because at work you have to be busy all the time! [She literally said this verbatim. Over and over.]

Me: Why?

Carla: You just do.

Me: But I don't understand why. I don't think being busy all the time is good or necessary.

Carla: Then I'm going to take staff off drive-ups.

This is literally the shortened version, believe it or not. We went around and around like this for several more minutes. I kept asking why we had to look busy and she continued repeating the same thing, without giving me a real answer, until finally she just changed the subject. I got to keep my staff though.

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