
Why do people hate minimum wage workers?

I found this account on Twitter called “wagies taking Ls” which posts screenshots of retail and hospitality workers complaining about their jobs and managements etc, and the replies are always filled with people just dumping hate onto these workers. I understand hating the exploitative companies and systems and capitalism and all that, but why hate the workers? Most of the time they’re just students working part time to pay college loans or saving up to move out, so what have they done wrong to deserve hate?

I found this account on Twitter called “wagies taking Ls” which posts screenshots of retail and hospitality workers complaining about their jobs and managements etc, and the replies are always filled with people just dumping hate onto these workers. I understand hating the exploitative companies and systems and capitalism and all that, but why hate the workers? Most of the time they’re just students working part time to pay college loans or saving up to move out, so what have they done wrong to deserve hate?

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