
Why do people love getting treated like shit and cannot fathom rebelling?

Long story short, had a nice job as a camp Counselor then management started getting bitchy. Said I wasn’t looking after the kids enough (I shit you not I was always watching the kids and never wandered) plus went up to my friend and said they have no friends and need to make some (legitimately what they said). I quit because of the treatment and so did my friend then tons of people were surprised I did. Like they also put up with management’s bullshit and did NOTHING? What the hell? Like you know the “fluoride stare” meme. Like these people give me that exact stare. Buddy, the higher ups ASSUME shit about you after having put in so much fucking effort. Not only that, but “positively” they assume shit that isn’t true. I got a 5 star rating for my creativity rating (making games for the kids) yet never…

Long story short, had a nice job as a camp Counselor then management started getting bitchy. Said I wasn’t looking after the kids enough (I shit you not I was always watching the kids and never wandered) plus went up to my friend and said they have no friends and need to make some (legitimately what they said). I quit because of the treatment and so did my friend then tons of people were surprised I did. Like they also put up with management’s bullshit and did NOTHING? What the hell? Like you know the “fluoride stare” meme. Like these people give me that exact stare. Buddy, the higher ups ASSUME shit about you after having put in so much fucking effort. Not only that, but “positively” they assume shit that isn’t true. I got a 5 star rating for my creativity rating (making games for the kids) yet never did so, yet someone who is so much better than me at making games gets a 3 + a shit ton of criticism. Says she loves it. Please, just quit or rebel before you dig the hole too deep.

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