
Why do some employers treat their staff like children?

For those that were working decades ago, did your boss try to prevent you from leaving at your clock out time, publicly humiliate you, stand over your shoulder micromanaging you? (Note: these are not acceptable ways to treat children, but nevertheless it happens). I recall once when I worked at a fast food place my time out was 10:00 pm and I was still there at 11:30 cleaning the grill and working because the boss just kept assigning new work. “Just one more thing” they said. My mother actually called and demanded I come home and they let me go. I’ve learned to stand up for myself a lot more now but was this behavior the norm back in the day?

For those that were working decades ago, did your boss try to prevent you from leaving at your clock out time, publicly humiliate you, stand over your shoulder micromanaging you? (Note: these are not acceptable ways to treat children, but nevertheless it happens). I recall once when I worked at a fast food place my time out was 10:00 pm and I was still there at 11:30 cleaning the grill and working because the boss just kept assigning new work. “Just one more thing” they said. My mother actually called and demanded I come home and they let me go. I’ve learned to stand up for myself a lot more now but was this behavior the norm back in the day?

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