
why do they get petty when we leave?

I posted this elsewhere before, but I figured I'd post it here because you guys will enjoy the FU. So a few years back I had a seasonal job with a craft store named after a guy. I had been told I was going to be hired on permanently, but they gave me some excuse as to why I wasn't able to be hired two days before my seasonal job ended. I was disappointed because I actually enjoyed this job and the discount, but I figured I'd be eligible for rehire so it wasn't too bad. Looking back, I corrected the assistant manager twice (price check on seasonal clearance, backed up by the GM, I was legit right) and then suddenly wasn't going to be permanent so I know why it happened. So I show up for my last shift, even though I was screwed over, because I was an…

I posted this elsewhere before, but I figured I'd post it here because you guys will enjoy the FU.

So a few years back I had a seasonal job with a craft store named after a guy. I had been told I was going to be hired on permanently, but they gave me some excuse as to why I wasn't able to be hired two days before my seasonal job ended. I was disappointed because I actually enjoyed this job and the discount, but I figured I'd be eligible for rehire so it wasn't too bad. Looking back, I corrected the assistant manager twice (price check on seasonal clearance, backed up by the GM, I was legit right) and then suddenly wasn't going to be permanent so I know why it happened.

So I show up for my last shift, even though I was screwed over, because I was an idiot and didn't want to leave them short handed. I was put on the register for my last shift and had to call with increasing frequency for back up on registers because of increase in customers. Every single time I did, the assistant manager and her little lackey (we'll call them A and B) get on the radio and passive aggressively talk to each other about how I'm calling for backup AGAIN and they sure hope I don't take up too much of their time because they have SO MUCH to get done that day. Just petty little comments to try to get to me. I let it slide off me because it was my last shift and I'll be damned if I let these two push me into walking out and being ineligible for rehire and employee discounts. Still, it was highly annoying and immature.

Finally, with maybe an hour left in my shift, a lady came up and was buying about $30 worth of stuff. She said she had a $20 bill and hadn't been able to get to the coin counting machines to get her change taken care of and would I mind counting out the rest in change? Now, I'd just listened to yet another conversation from A and B about how much of an inconvenience it was to have to come help me and they needed to be able to finish their tasks that the GM assigned them, blah blah blah. I looked at my customer and said, “Ma'am, why don't we count out all the change first and then take the rest out of the $20? Those change machines take a percentage and we're always happy to have change!” It took me twenty minutes to count it all out. There was only about $6 in quarters and maybe another $5 in dimes, but I kept going until I used up as much of her change as possible. Every one of the coin spots was full to the top, plus a bunch extra tossed haphazardly in the extra spot off to the side. She only had to use about $6 of her $20. B couldn't leave the other register the entire time because of customers and I got to out do them in passive aggressiveness right before leaving. Left that place with a poo-eating grin and I've never gone back.

And A, if you're reading this. Fuck you. Same goes for B.

tl:dr- coworkers want to be petty and try to make me feel bad, I do my job AND screw them over simultaneously.

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