
Why do they think we fear losing our jobs?

Just an honest question. I have run into that in my workplace. I am Gen X, and running four accounts for my company. I have a bachelor's degree and 20 years management experience. Losing my job would be an inconvenience, but I am pretty sure I would land on my feet. Yet I have had to disabuse two tiers of my management that fear is any form of motivator for me. Are they just so used to a labor surplus that they don't know how to deal with a labor shortage? I dunno. But I do know that threats make me 1) want to polish up my resume and 2) make me lose respect for those that use them. What do you all think? Just bad managers, garden variety stupidity, or that the shortage caught them off guard?

Just an honest question. I have run into that in my workplace. I am Gen X, and running four accounts for my company. I have a bachelor's degree and 20 years management experience. Losing my job would be an inconvenience, but I am pretty sure I would land on my feet. Yet I have had to disabuse two tiers of my management that fear is any form of motivator for me. Are they just so used to a labor surplus that they don't know how to deal with a labor shortage?

I dunno. But I do know that threats make me 1) want to polish up my resume and 2) make me lose respect for those that use them.

What do you all think? Just bad managers, garden variety stupidity, or that the shortage caught them off guard?

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