

Here's an idea; make a budget of your monthly expenses. But really look at those and narrow it down to things you need to survive and then a few things that are luxuries. Figure an exact dollar amount. Work to earn that amount. Then STOP working until next month. Minimize your actual expenses. Being caught in this idea that we all need JOBS aka WORK ALL THE TIME to survive is crap. We're caught in a consumption society that makes us believe that we need all these THINGS to survive. Personally, if I have a roof over my head, some food in my belly, and a little herb to smoke, I'm set. That's a different form of true freedom. Why do I constantly need to be making an income, just to spend excessively or put it into savings? Fuck that. I'd rather have the freedom to do whatever I want…

Here's an idea; make a budget of your monthly expenses. But really look at those and narrow it down to things you need to survive and then a few things that are luxuries. Figure an exact dollar amount. Work to earn that amount. Then STOP working until next month. Minimize your actual expenses.

Being caught in this idea that we all need JOBS aka WORK ALL THE TIME to survive is crap. We're caught in a consumption society that makes us believe that we need all these THINGS to survive. Personally, if I have a roof over my head, some food in my belly, and a little herb to smoke, I'm set. That's a different form of true freedom. Why do I constantly need to be making an income, just to spend excessively or put it into savings? Fuck that. I'd rather have the freedom to do whatever I want to do today instead of hitting some time clock to work for people I don't like doing something I don't enjoy.

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