
Why does every employer seem to have so much additional B.S. on top of the actual job?

Can anyone explain to me why it's so difficult to find an employer that doesn't have a God complex or high and mighty I'm better than you relationship with their employees? Why do we have to kiss the asses of those above us simply because of their job title? Why do we have to act like we're a lesser person than them? Most middle managers seem to have this issue. And usually they never earned their position or they stepped on others to get there. Are we finally going to see a change with this current movement of anti work? Is there any hopes in the future of regular people who work their asses off, getting the proper respect and treatment that they deserve?

Can anyone explain to me why it's so difficult to find an employer that doesn't have a God complex or high and mighty I'm better than you relationship with their employees?

Why do we have to kiss the asses of those above us simply because of their job title? Why do we have to act like we're a lesser person than them?

Most middle managers seem to have this issue. And usually they never earned their position or they stepped on others to get there. Are we finally going to see a change with this current movement of anti work? Is there any hopes in the future of regular people who work their asses off, getting the proper respect and treatment that they deserve?

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