
Why does everyone I work with have to be so damn bossy about everything!?

I said everyone, but I don’t really mean everyone. It just seems like, no matter where I work, there just has to be that one person, that’s not even in charge, that’s gotta run the show. And they always seem to pick me to follow around and dictate. Never fails! It’s beyond frustrating! The only person who has any business bossing people around is the BOSS. And my boss is less bossy than my coworkers. In fact, my boss rarely even comes into work, and when she does she’s so busy catching up on stuff she has no time to nitpick. One of the ladies I work with, the eldest who’s been here the longest, has to be on my tail about everything! For example: it is nice out today. Not sunny. But it’s in the 60’s and comfortable. I wanted to let some fresh air in, listen to the…

I said everyone, but I don’t really mean everyone. It just seems like, no matter where I work, there just has to be that one person, that’s not even in charge, that’s gotta run the show. And they always seem to pick me to follow around and dictate. Never fails! It’s beyond frustrating! The only person who has any business bossing people around is the BOSS. And my boss is less bossy than my coworkers. In fact, my boss rarely even comes into work, and when she does she’s so busy catching up on stuff she has no time to nitpick.

One of the ladies I work with, the eldest who’s been here the longest, has to be on my tail about everything! For example: it is nice out today. Not sunny. But it’s in the 60’s and comfortable. I wanted to let some fresh air in, listen to the birds, etc. before the rain comes in. So I opened my window in my workspace a little. I don’t really have my own office but my own nook sort of separated from everyone else. It used to be a house. My ”office” is what was the closed in porch of the house. So almost my own office. Either way, my work space is rather solitary. When she found out I opened my window a little she yelled “you can’t have the window open! The heat is running!” It’s in the 60’s! Maybe turn the heat OFF! And my window being cracked a little is not going to make the heat run a bunch. It’s not going to hurt anyone. I just want a little fresh air! Leave me alone!

It’s like this with everything. I like my blinds about 3/4 the way open. I like filtered light. It’s more comfortable. She’ll come into my workspace and open them all the way. She tries to dictate every little thing I do. She tells me to push sales on people (i.e friends/family while I am visiting, strangers in public, even posting on my social media) but I am not even in sales. The other girl I work with is no help. While she doesn’t boss me around. Whenever the other lady is ordering me around, telling me what to do, yadda yadda, she gets in on it. Like “yeah, you should probably not do that.” Or “yeah! Get on FB and post something to get sales in!” She’s like her little cheerleader.

What’s so infuriating is I am really big on minding my own business at work. I like to make my workspace my own. I don’t go into my coworker’s workspaces and close their windows, open their blinds, stand over them and have an opinion about how they like things. Unless someone is stealing money, or doing something highly illegal, I do not give a flying F what my colleagues are doing, how they prefer their workspace to look/feel like. I am not here to dictate their windows, their work style, how they spend their lunch breaks. I don’t care. I have better things to do. Like…gee…I don’t know…WORK! Why is it so damn difficult for people to adopt this same ethic? Just go to work and mind your own damn business. Unless you’re in the position to tell people what to do and something actually does need addressed (I am pretty sure windows don’t count) then sit down, shut up, and do your job!

I just don’t understand this need to be in control of every little thing your coworker is doing. Especially one like myself who makes it a point to stay out of everyone’s way and business. I get pushed around by these people the most. Which I do not get because, I keep so much to myself that there are times you probably wouldn’t even know I was here or not.

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