
Why does everything have to be fake “exciting” or “innovative” in corporate America?

Just got off a meeting where the manager talked about a generic report we’d be working on, but it’s supposedly “exciting” and “innovative.” Except we’re just writing about data findings researched by an internal department, using the same format as the last report. What’s exciting or innovative about that? And of course I said I was excited to work on such an innovative project, which is what I said about the last project too

Just got off a meeting where the manager talked about a generic report we’d be working on, but it’s supposedly “exciting” and “innovative.” Except we’re just writing about data findings researched by an internal department, using the same format as the last report. What’s exciting or innovative about that?

And of course I said I was excited to work on such an innovative project, which is what I said about the last project too

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