
why does it feel like my days skip now

at first the days at this job dragged, i hated every second of it and 1 workday felt like 3 days in 1. Whenever i wasnt at work, time would zoom by so fast that my weekends felt like 1 day, but now when im at work it goes by so fast…to the point that it almost doesnt feel real, like im doing a real life time skip glitch, anyone have an explanation for this?

at first the days at this job dragged, i hated every second of it and 1 workday felt like 3 days in 1. Whenever i wasnt at work, time would zoom by so fast that my weekends felt like 1 day, but now when im at work it goes by so fast…to the point that it almost doesnt feel real, like im doing a real life time skip glitch, anyone have an explanation for this?

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