
Why does this sub want to “tax the rich” when that’s only moving wealth from one corrupt group to another?

Instead of pressuring politicians to raise taxes on the rich (which often goes into their own pockets) pressure them to reform wages so that companies actually pay living wages and give benefits even to the lowest positions. Unless I’m mistaken I remember reading about Henry Ford and how he was paying his employees based off company performance I.e the more the company made the more his employees made. But then other business men lobbied and had laws passed to essentially ban this practice. Why not force companies to pay their workers more based off company performance instead of taxing the corporations and essentially having the government siphon more wealth for itself? You could argue that what I’m suggesting is trickle down economics but saying “tax the rich” is just trickle down economics with extra steps.

Instead of pressuring politicians to raise taxes on the rich (which often goes into their own pockets) pressure them to reform wages so that companies actually pay living wages and give benefits even to the lowest positions.

Unless I’m mistaken I remember reading about Henry Ford and how he was paying his employees based off company performance I.e the more the company made the more his employees made. But then other business men lobbied and had laws passed to essentially ban this practice.

Why not force companies to pay their workers more based off company performance instead of taxing the corporations and essentially having the government siphon more wealth for itself?

You could argue that what I’m suggesting is trickle down economics but saying “tax the rich” is just trickle down economics with extra steps.

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