
Why Don’t You Have Internship Experience?

This is a question I’ve been encountering constantly in my current job search. I never had an internship. Because I’m just too lazy? No, it’s because of the fact that in the two years of my program were the past two years of COVID. There weren’t internships. Many internship programs were reduced or just canceled. Most people I knew had their internships canceled. The worst part is some of the companies I’ve applied for that drilled me on my lack of experience are the same companies who canceled the internships I was applying for two years ago.

This is a question I’ve been encountering constantly in my current job search. I never had an internship. Because I’m just too lazy? No, it’s because of the fact that in the two years of my program were the past two years of COVID. There weren’t internships. Many internship programs were reduced or just canceled. Most people I knew had their internships canceled. The worst part is some of the companies I’ve applied for that drilled me on my lack of experience are the same companies who canceled the internships I was applying for two years ago.

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