
Why give notice if they treat you like an indentured servant during it?

I work for state government. I was lied to about culture and workload when interviewing. We are in office workers so others that rely on our work can work from home without coming into the office. A team of 4 but only one other person does the same job as me. This person is a habitual leave user (pretty much every Friday and/or Monday). If they are out of the office I have to do all my work and theirs. However, if I take off my work just piles up for my return. My manager refuses to make them provide coverage because the manager doesn’t know what we do or how to do it and relies on the habitual leave taker for guidance on everything…so you can see why their constant leave taking isn’t addressed either. I managed to be overworked constantly for 8 months. About two months ago, I…

I work for state government. I was lied to about culture and workload when interviewing. We are in office workers so others that rely on our work can work from home without coming into the office. A team of 4 but only one other person does the same job as me. This person is a habitual leave user (pretty much every Friday and/or Monday). If they are out of the office I have to do all my work and theirs. However, if I take off my work just piles up for my return. My manager refuses to make them provide coverage because the manager doesn’t know what we do or how to do it and relies on the habitual leave taker for guidance on everything…so you can see why their constant leave taking isn’t addressed either. I managed to be overworked constantly for 8 months. About two months ago, I was upfront told manager I had an offer and was waiting on final offer (going federal so it takes a bit to get final offer) and would turn in my resignation then. I finally get my final offer and turn in over a 2 and a half week notice. Supervisor is upset but says they understand. Habitual leave user then decides it’s time to have elective surgery and be out for 4-6 weeks. Supervisor starts dumping all the work on me instead of trying to learn the job or have me cross train any of the other 2 employees in office. My last day of my notice comes and supervisor tells me what all I will be responsible for (basically everything)and that I can turn my ID badge in at the end of the day since we are short staffed and they are leaving at 11am to go prepare for a neighborhood garage sale. I’ve already turned in my other equipment I had that morning and just have my badge to get in and out of the building. I’m doing everything and I’m constantly getting more emails from those that work from home of more stuff to do since no one else who knows how to do this stuff will be in office for awhile. At 2 pm, I’ve had enough. I announced on teams that I’m calling it a day and turning my badge and leaving while wishing them the best. My supervisor’s supervisor messaged back that they thought I was on until 4:30 since they are so short staffed. I message that it was never confirmed with me just that I turn in my badge at the end of my day and that my supervisor left at 11am. He then messaged back that my shift is over at 4:30. I signed out of my computer, walked downstairs, turned in my badge, and left. I’ve had enough over the whole 10 months I’ve worked there. I’m not stuck there until 4:30 working my butt off. If they had acted normal and had me cross train others to help out, I would have stayed until 4:30 but not since they just wanted to dump work on me. They knew I was planning on leaving for over 2 months and had an official two and half weeks notice…I always have been praised and pride myself on my work ethic but efff this and management like this!!!

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