
why hasn’t the CIA shut down the US labor movement

I think about this a lot. Why haven't the Amazon labor union organizers just…disappeared or gone to prison for forever over false charges. Why is it that the American or European labor movements are going strong while those in South America struggle so much against American Imperialism? With phones tracking our every move, how have major labor organizers stayed safe? I hold a deep fear of the US government, and no one has knocked on my door to question my online activities. They only seem to respond from overt threats posted online. In the age of surveillance, how do we have more freedom to organize than those who lived during mccarthyism?

I think about this a lot.

Why haven't the Amazon labor union organizers just…disappeared or gone to prison for forever over false charges. Why is it that the American or European labor movements are going strong while those in South America struggle so much against American Imperialism?

With phones tracking our every move, how have major labor organizers stayed safe?

I hold a deep fear of the US government, and no one has knocked on my door to question my online activities. They only seem to respond from overt threats posted online.

In the age of surveillance, how do we have more freedom to organize than those who lived during mccarthyism?

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