
Why have I worked since I was 14?

I'm 31 now and I've been working consistently since I was 14. I've had 7 jobs in my life, never more than a couple months between them. One I worked for 8 years, another for 4 and and the others have usually been about a year, or mire. I have absolutely nothing to show for it. I didn't spend my money on cool stuff, there just never was any. I've never owned a new car, come close to owning a home, been able to invest or even save anything significant. I've never been able to afford a real vacation, just a stay-cation sitting around an apartment I never wanted. I don't go out to dinner with friends, go to the bar, buy video games, etc. All I really do is go to work and come home and my savings are still completely meaningless. It seems like all New England (and…

I'm 31 now and I've been working consistently since I was 14. I've had 7 jobs in my life, never more than a couple months between them. One I worked for 8 years, another for 4 and and the others have usually been about a year, or mire. I have absolutely nothing to show for it.

I didn't spend my money on cool stuff, there just never was any. I've never owned a new car, come close to owning a home, been able to invest or even save anything significant. I've never been able to afford a real vacation, just a stay-cation sitting around an apartment I never wanted. I don't go out to dinner with friends, go to the bar, buy video games, etc. All I really do is go to work and come home and my savings are still completely meaningless.

It seems like all New England (and maybe America) has to offer is working your ass off so you can buy a bigger TV, or cool shoes or get an apartment with more bedrooms. All of that is beyond meaningless to me; it's a nuisance and I don't want it. What I would like to have is a little land some day, but based on how things are going that's impossible.

Is there some place that matches these ideals better? All I want: do a normal job, have land and not be bothered.

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