
Why I don’t believe in raising the federal minimum wage. (US here)

A lot of people here seem to shot about raising the minimum wage, and I agree, to a degree. I am against raising it on a federal level though and if anything lowering it on a federal level (I’ll explain later. If we raise the whole thing up from the bottom it’s not going to fix our problems. I think we need to look at the state and local levels and push for change there. We are a large country a livable (or better off, comfortable) wage is going to vary between states and within them, between cities, towns, and counties. Very large cities (SF, philly, NYC) have a much hire cost of living than a farm town out in the middle of nowhere so a $20 MW (I’ll use this as minimum wage to safe space) ($20 is just used as an example because it’s a nice round number)…

A lot of people here seem to shot about raising the minimum wage, and I agree, to a degree. I am against raising it on a federal level though and if anything lowering it on a federal level (I’ll explain later. If we raise the whole thing up from the bottom it’s not going to fix our problems. I think we need to look at the state and local levels and push for change there. We are a large country a livable (or better off, comfortable) wage is going to vary between states and within them, between cities, towns, and counties. Very large cities (SF, philly, NYC) have a much hire cost of living than a farm town out in the middle of nowhere so a $20 MW (I’ll use this as minimum wage to safe space) ($20 is just used as an example because it’s a nice round number) but will absolutely devastate the small town business. In a small town these stores, in extreme cases, will either have to downsize so just the owner works or potentially have to raise prices to afford the new wages.

I believe states need to find their minimum livable wage within the state and use that as a state wide MW, then counties are welcome to do it, and off course cities (or anywhere with a higher cost of living) should have have their own minimum. The only problem I see with this is some companies will try and base their business out of smaller towns to take advantage of the cheaper labor, but this will in turn grow the town (which would be a good thing).

You’re probably still wondering, why did I say lower federal MW? I believe that lower the federal minimum, or just removing it all together would encourage states to make their own MW, and it would be one less thing the government handles

So is anyone for pushing raising wages in specific areas instead of as a whole?

Please feel free to share opinions and spitball ideas, I’m open minded to changing my view if given the right information.

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