
why I hate interviews

I left a job about a year ago due to a hiring freeze that nobody could say would end, with my contracting coming to and end and not knowing if I would have a job I jumped ship, recently I started getting emails that they were hiring now so I applied. Apparently though they interviewed me for a position i was not qualified for, I had to stop the interview and ask based on the questions they were asking and sure enough different position, the HR person than noted that the job i was working previously was a contractor only position, meaning there was never a full time job at the end of the contract even then that was the carrot on the stick.

I left a job about a year ago due to a hiring freeze that nobody could say would end, with my contracting coming to and end and not knowing if I would have a job I jumped ship, recently I started getting emails that they were hiring now so I applied. Apparently though they interviewed me for a position i was not qualified for, I had to stop the interview and ask based on the questions they were asking and sure enough different position, the HR person than noted that the job i was working previously was a contractor only position, meaning there was never a full time job at the end of the contract even then that was the carrot on the stick.

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