
Why I left my job last year

I’m gonna list out a few awful things about my old job that I didn’t realize were as bad until recently (this’ll probably be long). I’m younger, and have always been a yes man my whole life until lately. I left the job almost a year ago, today I take great enjoyment in spectating the business from social media, as they slowly slide into bankruptcy. They took away my promotion (from hourly to salary and about 8k more a year) after about 3 months. Explanation was “it was honestly a mistake giving it to you in the first place, we don’t get any added value out of it. Boss man jumped the gun, sorry”. Boss man was too wimpy to do any confrontation so his baby momma/CFO (yes literally) demoted me in an impromptu meeting. Same responsibilities after the demotion of course. Boss man’s reaction when I brought it up…

I’m gonna list out a few awful things about my old job that I didn’t realize were as bad until recently (this’ll probably be long). I’m younger, and have always been a yes man my whole life until lately. I left the job almost a year ago, today I take great enjoyment in spectating the business from social media, as they slowly slide into bankruptcy.

  1. They took away my promotion (from hourly to salary and about 8k more a year) after about 3 months. Explanation was “it was honestly a mistake giving it to you in the first place, we don’t get any added value out of it. Boss man jumped the gun, sorry”. Boss man was too wimpy to do any confrontation so his baby momma/CFO (yes literally) demoted me in an impromptu meeting. Same responsibilities after the demotion of course. Boss man’s reaction when I brought it up later was “but my plan is to get you back to that level. You want to work back to that right? You want to earn that back?” I was speechless.

  2. I got blamed for a production issue that was very far from being my fault, first time I ever yelled at or stormed out on anyone. Baby mama/CFO calls me in to blame some misprints on me. The root of the problem was the manufacturer, they did not open a zip file containing the second print file so they just printed double of a print file that wasn’t zipped. Her statement to me was “ahhhh I knew this was gonna happen when I saw the production email you sent. Most people don’t know how to open zips, they probably didn’t even see it. Why would you do that?” This is after I scrambled all morning to actually fix the problem, researching and planning fixes. She didn’t make in to the office until noon of course. I lost my mind and felt betrayed. She could easily get money back from the manufacturer for a very very obvious mistake, but she would rather trash an employee. I don’t even remember what I said specifically but it was all to that affect. I left and didn’t come back for the day.

  3. They fired someone because she “always looks sick and uses the bathroom too much”. This poor girl worked in our warehouse for like 2 weeks tops, it may have even been less like 5 days. Just all around awful self centered people. Can’t even imagine what was said behind closed doors.

There really is so much more, that place is down from 20-25 employees when I started to about 4-5 now with half of them being family members. And every employee left upset or fired. On the upside I freelanced for Boss man on and off for 6 months after I left, charged him 2.5x what he was paying me.

Hope you enjoyed my rant!! Lol

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