
Why is calling in sick to work so damn hard

I work for the county and I’ve never experienced such intensity of questioning if I call in sick. I was in a probation period for 6 months when I started. I hardly took anytime off except for my grandma’s funeral and only 1 time I went home sick. I passed the probation period and finally felt like free in terms of the ability to finally call in sick without feeling like weird about it. It just feels equally as worse. I called in sick for 1 day in august. I called my supervisor in the morning before work started and she didn’t answer. I left a message saying I’m sick. She then followed up asking me to call her back when the office opens. So I was in and out of sleep on top of not feeling good. I called and had to explain what I was feeling. At the…

I work for the county and I’ve never experienced such intensity of questioning if I call in sick. I was in a probation period for 6 months when I started. I hardly took anytime off except for my grandma’s funeral and only 1 time I went home sick.

I passed the probation period and finally felt like free in terms of the ability to finally call in sick without feeling like weird about it. It just feels equally as worse.

I called in sick for 1 day in august. I called my supervisor in the morning before work started and she didn’t answer. I left a message saying I’m sick. She then followed up asking me to call her back when the office opens. So I was in and out of sleep on top of not feeling good. I called and had to explain what I was feeling. At the time I was experiencing stomach ache.

And now I called in sick today. I couldn’t sleep last night because of congestion and I have this horrible headache. I also very recently got back from this trip. I need sleep most than anything. I called again, no answer so I left a message. I’m told to call the office when it opens. Office opens at 8:30am, I was not feeling great and needed sleep. I slept past that time and decided to call. I’m sorry but I don’t feel damn good to be awake to send message I’m taking a sick day, go back to sleep, then wake up again to explain why I am sick. I get the whole COVID stuff but seriously!?

I don’t know if I’m questioned because I hardly call in sick or what. Now I’m regretting of ever calling in sick. I dread getting sick because of it. I’m told to rest but how can I rest when my sleep gets interrupted.

How does everyone call in sick? Is it as complicated as what I go through? At my old job I would send a text and that was it.

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