
Why is Everyone Whining About Nobody Wanting to Work but Nobody is Willing to Hire?

So, I quit my job in September due to basically being treated poorly by my manager. I haven't been able to get a job since then. I've been trying to get a job from all the basically entry level jobs to make things easier and even they won't attempt to take me in. I know it was stupid to quit without a job lined up first but I didn't think this would be such an issue. I've applied to various places, managed to get 1 interview in which they never called me back, all the rest just seem to not be interested. I have customer service experience, I basically have all the experience necessary to join these stupid cashier jobs yet nobody wants me. At this point I'm trying to apply anywhere I can, which is limited because I don't have a license (nobody has the time to help work…

So, I quit my job in September due to basically being treated poorly by my manager. I haven't been able to get a job since then. I've been trying to get a job from all the basically entry level jobs to make things easier and even they won't attempt to take me in. I know it was stupid to quit without a job lined up first but I didn't think this would be such an issue.

I've applied to various places, managed to get 1 interview in which they never called me back, all the rest just seem to not be interested. I have customer service experience, I basically have all the experience necessary to join these stupid cashier jobs yet nobody wants me. At this point I'm trying to apply anywhere I can, which is limited because I don't have a license (nobody has the time to help work with me and teach me). I feel like a complete failure, my partner is the only one working currently but it's not enough to pay the bills, and he wants to quit his job because it's just a huge mess.

I don't know what to do, I don't want to lose my apartment… I guess this is more of a rant than anything but damn I feel like shit.

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