
Why is office work?

I know the header is not grammatical correct. I'm also not positive on whether or not this sub is the correct one, but it's the closest I can think of. For reference, I am from America and not too young but not too old (about 30 years from implied retirement I do not expect to get.) I do not have a degree because the things that interest me either are not worth the debt or could be done without a degree if I could break into the field. Anyway, why do we even have (most) office work? Of course in this era we will always need some. IT, support roles, admins, writers, and similar. It is more or less necessary now. But why do we have so many? Of course Reddit always overstates things so I take a lot with a grain of salt, but it seems like half of…

I know the header is not grammatical correct. I'm also not positive on whether or not this sub is the correct one, but it's the closest I can think of.

For reference, I am from America and not too young but not too old (about 30 years from implied retirement I do not expect to get.) I do not have a degree because the things that interest me either are not worth the debt or could be done without a degree if I could break into the field.

Anyway, why do we even have (most) office work? Of course in this era we will always need some. IT, support roles, admins, writers, and similar. It is more or less necessary now. But why do we have so many? Of course Reddit always overstates things so I take a lot with a grain of salt, but it seems like half of the people both on this platform and my real life have jobs that they claim they barely do actual productive work for and somehow make twice the money I make. I have worked physical labor my whole life. Retail, food service, factories, security, and currently a commercial bakery. As stated, I'm not old. My body hurts. I have a chronic illness. I have the day off today. Everything I want to get done is like a dream at the moment because my body hurts. I will admit, I am jealous of those who have decent jobs not having to break their body.

Enough about me though. Why is it set up like this? Are most of these positions actually necessary? Making Excel docs, PowerPoint presentations, talking to clients who oftentimes get the physical labor people if they need legitimate assistance. It feels like some sort of scheme or laundering or something. There was a moment on Good Morning America recently that I caught on antenna TV talking about how “microbreaks” of around 15 minutes are beneficial for wellness while at work and they were obviously talking about office workers and the like. I haven't have a guaranteed 15 minute break time since I believe 2019. While constantly moving and adjusting. I am covered in scars and bruises.

This is not a call-out to anyone who does office work. Especially if you make bank while doing the bare minimum. Hell yeah, I love that for you! But I simply do not understand what is happening here. I'm sure some of y'all know where I'm coming from, but does anyone have a real answer? I'm not just here to troll or whine, but legitimately curious.

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