
Why is quiet quitting even a thing in America?

I mean, in Western Europe you're supposed to forget about work once you've spent your 8 hours (hour and a half for lunch and breaks included) at the service of the company. I can't understand why is quiet quitting even a thing… How could it be “quitting” to do just your regular job and refuse to do overtime or completing tasks outside of your job description? Isn't that what you were hired for? Why should you do unpaid extra work? This mindset of “you must sacrifice yourself for the company and you must be happy about it” is downright exploitative and undermines any kind of work—life balance. In countries like France, even contacting an employee during their vacation period may get the company into legal trouble, that's the standard in the developed world outside America.

I mean, in Western Europe you're supposed to forget about work once you've spent your 8 hours (hour and a half for lunch and breaks included) at the service of the company.

I can't understand why is quiet quitting even a thing… How could it be “quitting” to do just your regular job and refuse to do overtime or completing tasks outside of your job description? Isn't that what you were hired for? Why should you do unpaid extra work?

This mindset of “you must sacrifice yourself for the company and you must be happy about it” is downright exploitative and undermines any kind of work—life balance.

In countries like France, even contacting an employee during their vacation period may get the company into legal trouble, that's the standard in the developed world outside America.

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