
Why Is Tech Company Onboarding Trash?

I'm working my second job in Tech, as a Data Analyst, and the level of disorganization in the company is astonishing. It's my third week and I've done absolutely nothing productive. Just endless meetings, and “trainings” where they talk to us about a ton of high level crap that no one can really comprehend. Nothing about our actual job. They cancel meetings left and right, move them around, and a few times myself and one or two other new hires sat in a meeting waiting, only to realize they forgot about us. We got assigned a ticket last week by our manager to finally learn how to perform our job, and then another manager came in and said it needed to be done asap, so she took over and myself and the other new hire working on it were again waiting to get an ACTUAL task we could learn from.…

I'm working my second job in Tech, as a Data Analyst, and the level of disorganization in the company is astonishing.

It's my third week and I've done absolutely nothing productive. Just endless meetings, and “trainings” where they talk to us about a ton of high level crap that no one can really comprehend. Nothing about our actual job.

They cancel meetings left and right, move them around, and a few times myself and one or two other new hires sat in a meeting waiting, only to realize they forgot about us.

We got assigned a ticket last week by our manager to finally learn how to perform our job, and then another manager came in and said it needed to be done asap, so she took over and myself and the other new hire working on it were again waiting to get an ACTUAL task we could learn from.

But today my manager sends me a Jira ticket I need to get done asap, with no explanation on where I even start. Just “This is ready to start. Let me know if you have any questions.”

Yes. I have questions about the ENTIRE thing.

And in case I come off like I'm complaining it's not easy, I'm not someone who needs to be spoon fed. I taught myself how to code, and self taught data analytics as well, so it's not like I'm incapable of figuring things out on my own. It's just strange companies will put you through two weeks of garbage onboarding when just showing me how to do the job the first week would've been much more productive, and I could actually be working right now.

To anyone else currently working in tech, is this the standard? My last job was like this, except not quite as bad, and I'm wondering if every company is like this where you basically have to figure everything out for yourself or if I've just gotten a few bad ones in a row.

As if to illustrate my point, my manager just messaged me saying we won't be working these tickets anymore, they're getting passed to someone else, and we'll train on another one at some point..

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