
why is the 2 week notice a norm?

Am I the only one that thinks giving 2 weeks notice is stupid as hell? If a company treats you great, and you move on or find something better then sure 2 weeks notice thats great but if a company is dog shit treats you badly etc, you're STILL expected to give 2 weeks? Why like literally why? And when I say expected I mean its like the social norm and “tradition” that you HAVE to give 2 weeks notice or you're a monster, I do not like my current company, they treated me poorly and I am now working a job for more money, I gave my two weeks notice on Tuesday, which I'm now just regretting and I want to just stop going right now, I know it's only 2 more weeks but they fucking suck lol.

Am I the only one that thinks giving 2 weeks notice is stupid as hell? If a company treats you great, and you move on or find something better then sure 2 weeks notice thats great but if a company is dog shit treats you badly etc, you're STILL expected to give 2 weeks? Why like literally why? And when I say expected I mean its like the social norm and “tradition” that you HAVE to give 2 weeks notice or you're a monster, I do not like my current company, they treated me poorly and I am now working a job for more money, I gave my two weeks notice on Tuesday, which I'm now just regretting and I want to just stop going right now, I know it's only 2 more weeks but they fucking suck lol.

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