
Why isn’t anyone talking about Louisiana?

Through all the years living here in the south, the minimum wage is still $7.25. The average job gives out $8/hr. Anything +$9/hr, they expect you to pretty much kiss their feet and do anything and everything no matter how long. I also hear horror stories of my friends having to clock out and continue to work, and can’t afford to lose the job if they report it. Finding a job, is also a rough challenge. The only way I’m able to live through this is server work. And that itself is becoming unstable with the wholesale food prices going up. I hope I can get out of here and find those $15/hr+ jobs everyone is talking about.

Through all the years living here in the south, the minimum wage is still $7.25. The average job gives out $8/hr. Anything +$9/hr, they expect you to pretty much kiss their feet and do anything and everything no matter how long.
I also hear horror stories of my friends having to clock out and continue to work, and can’t afford to lose the job if they report it. Finding a job, is also a rough challenge. The only way I’m able to live through this is server work. And that itself is becoming unstable with the wholesale food prices going up.
I hope I can get out of here and find those $15/hr+ jobs everyone is talking about.

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